b'Domain KSA Expected Standards AssessmentPRIMARY SURVEY CONTINUEDTR_C_16Describes rationale and methods for immobilisation ofSALUS 1 K Pelvic fractures FCAILong bone fracturesTR_C_17 SALUS 1 K,S Discusses the effects of hypothermia and methods to prevent hypothermia MCAIDescribes initial investigations in a trauma patientTR_C_18 8,4 K,S Describes imaging requirements in the emergency room MCAIInterprets imaging related to the primary surveyDescribes the role of ultrasound in the initial assessment of the trauma TR_C_19 8 K,S patient CBDDemonstrates understanding of FAST/POCUS scan (focused assessment with sonography in trauma / point of care ultrasound)SECONDARY SURVEYDiscusses the diagnosis and management of life-threatening haemorrhage, including but not limited to TR_C_20 8 K Chest trauma CBDAbdominal traumaPelvic traumaVascular traumaDescribes the initial assessment, management and resuscitation ofpatients requiring emergent management, including, but not limited toTR_C_21 8 K Severe burns FCAIElectrical injuriesDrowning and near drowningHypothermiaTR_C_22 8 K Explains the principles of managing a patient with traumatic brain injury FCAIDescribe strategies to minimise secondary injuryDiscusses the initial diagnosis and management of thoracic trauma,including but not limited to PneumothoraxTR_C_23 8 K Flail chest FCAIPulmonary contusionTraumatic aortic disruptionTracheobronchial injuryTR_C_24 6 K Outlines the indications for emergency thoracotomy FCAIDescribes the initial assessment and management of the patient with burn injury, including but not limited to TR_C_25 8 K Fluid management FCAIPain managementInhalational injuryCarbon monoxide poisoningTR_C_26 6 K Describes problems associated with crush injury FCAITR_C_27 6 K Describes clinical features and management of compartment syndromeFCAIincluding monitoring and pain managementDEFINITIVE MANAGEMENTTR_C_28 8 K Discusses the importance of pain management in the trauma patient MCAICurriculum for the National Specialist Anaesthesiology Training Programme 57'