b'Appendix 3: Workplace Based AssessmentsWorkplace based assessments provide an opportunity for trainees to obtain feedback and for skill, knowledge and progression to be documented. There are three types of workplace based assessments, each with a different focus of knowledge, skill or behaviour. A Case Based Discussion (CBD) involves a consultant and trainee reviewing a selected routine clinical case or an aspect of patient care, in which the consultant participated. The discussion is focused on the application of the trainees clinical knowledge, and on their diagnostic ability and patient management skills.Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS) involves a trainee being observed by a consultant whilst performing a specific clinical technical procedure in anaesthesia. DOPS are completed with patients, in real time, as part of routine clinical work. DOPS are an indicator of clinical skill and proficiency.A Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise (Mini-CEX) involves the consultant / supervisor directly observing the trainee completing a more extended activity and can be used to observe a wider range of competencies.A Mini-CEX is carried out in real time as part of routine clinical work. A Mini-CEX is an appropriate assessment tool for assessment of professionalism, including the behaviour and attitude of a trainee, and their interaction with their colleagues.The trainee should seek feedback with each WBA. Feedback is designed to offer the trainee an insight into their performance on one procedure, case or event on one occasion only, and does not reflect or predict the trainees overall ability. The feedback should be focused on highlighting aspects of the trainees performance in a constructive manner and on the trainees response and should be low stakes in nature. A level of proficiency may be assigned to the specific WBA which demonstrates a trainees proficiency on that single interaction. This is a formative assessment of the trainees performance. However the overall trend may demonstrate the trainees progress.Level Milestone for WBA Level of Proficiency1 Pre-practice Trainee has acquired knowledge and skills but insufficient to perform:not allowed to enact the activity.2 Requires direct supervisionTrainee performs under full, proactive supervision: the supervisor isin the room.3 Requires indirect supervision Trainee performs under qualified, reactive supervision: the trainee asksfor supervision or advice.4 Ready for Independent practice Trainee performs independently with backstage, mainly informalsupervision.5 Experienced practitioner Trainee may provide supervision and instruction to junior learners.136 Curriculum for the National Specialist Anaesthesiology Training Programme'