b'Appendix 2: Summary of Minimum Criteriafor Competence2.1 Initial Assessment of CompetenceThis Assessment is normally performed within three months of commencement of training. The Assessment reflects the skills which should normally be acquired by this stage and which are needed before undertaking the extra responsibility of on-call duties.It is a requirement to pass this assessment to progress to Theatre on-call. The results of this assessment should be recorded on the trainees e-Portfolio. Full details of the IAC are available at Initial Assessment of Competence2.2 Summary of Minimum Workplace Based Assessments (WBA/s)Workplace Based Assessments (WBA/s) are designed to document the development of knowledge, clinical skill and attitudes as the trainee progresses through training. Please refer to Appendix 3: Workplace Based Assessments to determine the appropriate WBA, and see a pro-forma of the documentation required to complete a WBA. WBAs are an opportunity for trainees to receive formative feedback on their clinical performance. To maintain a steady pace during training it is recommended that a trainee complete WBA at a steady pace throughout their training. Each unit has a specified minimum number of WBA required before that unit can be completed. However, trainees are encouraged to do more than the minimum to develop their skills and knowledge wherever possible. Each unit therefore has a selection of WBAs which a trainee can avail of. The volume of practice recorded by each trainee will be reviewed at the annual progression interviews. Case load and case mix will be influenced by hospital placement and clinical activity, however, each trainee will be assessed for participation and activity relevant to their peer group. The total minimum volume of practice requirements should be recorded as per each competency guideline. This is a minimum requirement to guide a trainees clinical ability but a higher volume of practice may be required to develop expertise and mastery of the skill. This may vary depending on a trainees aptitude, interests and the availability of opportunities to develop further.Recommended Progression SAT 1-2: 5 WBA per 6 month training period (Total Requirement 20)SAT 3-6: 4 WBA per 6 month training period (Total Requirement 32)Total Requirement 52122 Curriculum for the National Specialist Anaesthesiology Training Programme'