b'Intensive Care MedicineDescription:The Curriculum for Intensive Care Medicine is based on the CoBaTrICE model from the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), and has been adapted from the Joint Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine of Irelands (JFICMI) current curriculum. This unit is intended to introduce the trainee in Anaesthesiology to the basic skills, knowledge and attitudes required in Intensive Care Medicine, such that they are able to provide appropriate care to a critically ill patient, and recognise the need for more specialised care. These skills can be further developed in sub-specialty training. Legend for Competency TableDomain KSA Expected Standards AssessmentRESUSCITATION AND INITIAL MANAGEMENT OF THE ACUTELY ILL PATIENT Recognises, assesses and stabilises the acutely ill patient with disordered CC_S_1physiology SALUS 1 S manages cardiopulmonary resuscitationDOPSmanages the patient post-resuscitation CC_S_2Outlines principles of triage and discusses appropriate methods toSALUS 1 S prioritise patients for timely admission to ICUCBDCC_S_3 SALUS 1 K Describes the management of mass casualties CBDCC_S_4 8 S Assesses and provides initial management of the trauma patient, includingMini-CEXthe patient with burns DIAGNOSISASSESSMENT, INVESTIGATION, MONITORING AND DATA INTERPRETATION CC_S_5 8 S Obtains a history and performs an accurate clinical examinationDOPSDiscusses the interpretation of investigations electrocardiography CC_S_6 8 S haematological samples MCAImicrobiological samples blood gas samplesradiologyCC_S_7 SALUS 1 S Monitors and responds to trends in physiological variablesDOPSCC_S_8 6 S Outlines how to integrate clinical findings with laboratory investigations toCBDform a differential diagnosisDISEASE MANAGEMENTCC_S_9Manages the care of the critically ill patient with specific acute medical SALUS 1 S conditionsDOPSCC_S_10 6 K Identifies the implications of co-morbidities in the acutely ill patientMCAIDescribes the recognition and management of the patient withrespiratory failure and/or ARDS (adult respiratory distress system)circulatory failure acute kidney failure CC_S_11 8 S acute liver failureFCAIneurological impairmentgastrointestinal failure septic patient intoxication with drugs or environmental toxins98 Curriculum for the National Specialist Anaesthesiology Training Programme'