b'In-Training Assessments (ITA) - Summary below should be followed:The ITA Process is conducted by the assigned CollegeSet aside a formal time for the meeting, providing tutor within the Anaesthesiology Department and is ansufficient advance notice to the trainee together with integral part of the assessments for the College Trainingnames of attending consultants;Programme.It complements other assessments, suchProvide the trainee with the opportunity to give their as the Membership and Final examinations, by reviewingown assessment, allowing them to identify and discuss trainee performance in the workplace. In summary, theany difficulties they may be experiencing;ITA report to the College is the end result of a six-monthIdentify areas that need to be addressed by clearly long process with three well defined stages, outlined inexplaining deficiencies and communicating the further detail below. expected standard;Put in place appropriate supports e.g.:The ITA Process in Detail -Targeted training involving closer additional The goals of the ITA Process are to: supervision and more frequent feedback on progress;Discuss and set appropriate clinical and educational-Intensified supervision or opportunity for repeat goals for the training period for each trainee; experience;Ensure that both the Anaesthesiology Department andEnsure that steps are agreed with the trainee;trainee expectations are understood and agreed so thatSet a date for progress to be reviewed ensuring enough a realistic plan for the period is confirmed; time is allowed for the trainee to have made progress;Assess a trainees progress towards obtaining theThe tutor should organise individualised learning agreed clinical and educational goals; experiences if appropriate to assist with difficulties with Provide trainees with regular, constructive feedback; examination preparation or presentation technique, Develop any remedial activities that may be requiredacquisition of clinical skills or interpersonal skills to ensure that the trainee is performing at or above thedevelopment. The trainee has a responsibility to actively level expected for their stage of training. participate in these activities;Start of the six months Document each meeting and have document signed by tutor, other consultants and the trainee.Trainee and tutor meet to set objectives for the six-month rotation, identifying required modules,The above steps are to ensure that the trainee is not competencies, educational activity, exam preparationpresented with issues regarding their progress at a and course attendance. The agreed objectives shouldtime when it is too late to remedyfurther guidance be recorded on the trainees e-Portfolio; is provided under Trainee not progressing in line with The Anaesthesiology Department should be aware ofexpectations - Clinicalagreed objectives so that the trainee can be facilitatedEnd of the six monthsin meeting their objectives.Middle of the six months A departmental meeting should be held in the hospital at least two weeks prior to the end of the six-month A departmental meeting of consultants involved intraining period at which each trainees progress will be training should be held in the hospital half way throughdiscussed in advance of completion of the ITAs;the six-month period; In advance of this meeting the tutor should ensure The progress of each trainee should be discussedthat each trainee has supplied them with a summary including assessment of progress towards meetingof their logbook activity for the six month period. This goals and objectives using the log book and feedbackwill provide the department with the scope of clinical forms (DOPS, CBD and Mini CEX); activity the trainee has been exposed to and will The tutor should meet with each trainee to discusscontribute to departmental assessment and signing off progress and understand how the trainee views theirfor each unit;own progress. A record of these meetings should beIf requested to do so, the trainee should provide noted on the trainees e-Portfolio. further evidence, including a summary of their training Trainee not progressing at middle of rotation: diary, WBA and reflective practice in advance of the departmental meeting; In the event that it is identified at this stage that a traineeAt least 50% of the consultant complement should be is not progressing in terms of their skills and training inin attendance at the meeting or, if unable to attend, line with expectations, the tutor and one other consultantconsulted in advance to inform the meeting. The tutor should arrange to meet the trainee.The Chair of theshould document names of those in attendance at Anaesthesiology Department should be informed thatthe departmental meeting and those absent but who a meeting has been scheduled and the steps outlinedprovided input to the meeting;Curriculum for the National Specialist Anaesthesiology Training Programme 21'