
Niamh Hayes

Dr Niamh Ellen Hayes, MB BAO BCh, BMedSci, FCAI, DIBICM

  • MSc Anaesthesia, MSc Human Factors and Patient Safety
  • Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer RCSI
  • Graduate of University College Cork medical school 1998. FCAI 2002; completion of MSc Anaesthesia (Medical Professionalism) in 2005 and Specialist Anaesthesia Training (CAI) 2006.
  • Clinical interests in obstetric anaesthesia and medical education.
  • Fellowship in obstetric anaesthesia in the Mercy Hospital for Women in Melbourne, Australia in 2006 – 2007.
  • Previously co-director of the College of Anaesthetists Simulation Training (CAST) programme and lead for the CAI obstetric anaesthetic emergency simulation training course (COAST).
  • Completion of MSc Human Factors in Patient Safety (RCSI) 2018.
  • Currently working as a consultant anaesthesiologist in the Rotunda Hospital and Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.