Governance Structures and Strategy

The College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland (CAI) is governed by the CAI Council , chaired by the President of the College. The CAI Council sets our strategic direction and ensures we achieve our objectives.
College staff based at our headquarters in Merrion Square in Dublin provide professional advice and administrative, technical and management support.
CAI Council
The CAI Council governs the college with the support of the Faculty of Pain Medicine and the Joint Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine of Ireland and various committees. Its role includes the development and implementation of the College strategy , reviewing and approving the annual business plan and developing and monitoring key performance metrics.
In accordance with the constitution of the College, the number of elected Council members shall not be less than 12 and no more than 15. The Dean of the Faculty of Pain Medicine , the Dean of the Joint Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine , the Director of Training , the Chief Operations Officer and the Chief Executive Officer are also co-opted to CAI Council. Additional persons may be co-opted from time to time to Council and at present we have two independent non executive directors appointed to the Council.
Council meets six times per year . The quorum for meetings is seven members.
The Vice President is elected by Council under rules as outlined in the Standing Orders. The positions of Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer are appointed by Council from amongst its members.
The Executive Advisory Committee is a standing committee of the Council and is chaired by the President. Its membership includes the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operations Officer, Vice President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer. Its remit is to review and consolidate documentation and financial matters , make recommendations for consideration to Council, and act on behalf of the council where appropriate . The Executive Advisory Committee also provides advice to the Council following periodic review of the constitution to facilitate any changes in college policy and activities.
Committees of the CAI Council
The CAI Council is assisted in achieving its objectives by several committees. The President appoints a Chair of each committee and determine their term of office. The following are all standing committees of CAI Council:
I. Committee of Anaesthesiology Trainees
II. Credentials Committee
III. Education Committee (including the Professional Competence Scheme Working Group)
IV. Examinations Committee
V. Executive Advisory Committee
VI. Faculty of Pain Medicine, CAI
VII. Finance & General Purposes Committee
VIII. HSE Liaison Committee
IX. Joint Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine of Ireland
X. Quality & Safety Advisory Committee
XI. Sustainability Committee
XII. Training Committee
XIII. Wellbeing Committee
Organisational Chart and Reporting Pathways