
The CAI in collaboration with Mobile Intensive Care Ambulance Service (MICAS) and Critical Care & Retrieval Services (CCRS)  invites SAT 1 trainees to participate in a non-mandatory Training Day. This Multi-modal Training Day will cover the following: Principles of safe transport for critically ill patient, Transport Physiology, Planning, delivering critical care in the transport environment, Simulation scenarios and Interactive discussions regarding special scenarios.  This course is not currently mandatory but it is highly desirable for SAT 1 trainees to attend. Date: 8th of October 2019 Time: 08:00 - 16:30 Venue: College of Anaesthesiologists, 22

These awards have been introduced by the HSE NDTP in relation to the recommendation arising from the McCraith Report (2013) to continue development of post-CSCST Fellowship capacity in Ireland in order to retain specialist medical expertise in the public health system in advance of appointment to Consultant posts. The NDTP Aspire (Post CSCST) Fellowship awards will provide funding for 8 Fellowships; 6 in the Acute Hospitals’ Division and 2 in Mental Health, to commence in July 2020. Entry Criteria: Doctors eligible to be appointed into one of the NDTP Aspire Fellowships must be

Date: Saturday 5th October 2019 Venue: Aviva Stadium, Lansdown Road, Dublin 4 Time: Registration opens at 9.00am the day will close at 1.30pm The Forum of Irish Postgraduate Medical Training Bodies will co-host this event with HSE National Doctors Training and Planning.  There will be representation from all the Postgraduate Medical Training Bodies in Ireland.   For more information and to register for this event please click here, registration is free.

Date: Friday 25th October 2019 Title: Global Health Symposium Venue: College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland, 22 Merrion Square North, Dublin 2 Anne Matthews Brian Kinirons David Weakliam Diarmuid O'Donovan Ellen Crushell Eric O'Flynn Frank Murry Katie Sheehan Margaret Fitzgerald Martin Rouse Pankaj G Jani Paul Reid Ruairi de Búrca Victor Mukonka

The Intensive Care Society of Ireland will host their Autumn conference on the 23rd of November at Waterford Castle Co. Waterford. There will be both national and international speakers including Dr Ignacio Martin Loeches, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care in St James’s Hospital.  Dr Martina Healy, Consultant in Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin.  Dr Danny Collins, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care in Saint James Hospital and Dr Colman O’Loughlin consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive care in Mater Hospital. Topics to be covered will include “Human Tissues Bill 2019” and “Child

Dublin, September 17th, 2019: The College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland (CAI) have today announced the recruitment of a National Clinical Lead in Patient Safety. In the 72nd World Health Assembly in May this year a resolution on “Global Action on Patient Safety” was adopted. This resolution urges member states to recognise patient safety as a key health priority and take concerted effort to reduce patient harm in the healthcare setting. It also recognises that patient safety is a critical element of universal health coverage so that the public can be assured that healthcare