
Irish Paediatric Anaesthesia and Critical Care Society (IPACCS) meeting 2019

Event: Irish Paediatric Anaesthesia and Critical Care Society (IPACCS) meeting 2019.

CPD Points: 5 CPD points allocated.

Date:  Friday 18 October 2019 evening and Saturday 19 October 2019 morning.

Venue: College of Anaesthesiologists of lreland, 22 Merion Square, Dublin 2.

Call for Abstracts:  Trainee presentations welcome and closing date is 30 September 2019. Posters or abstracts (250 words) to

Please register prior to event via link below, as we would like to know of numbers attending for catering purposes. If attending dinner on Friday, please email to confirm.


Consultants €120

Trainees €60

Tickets at:

Please see poster for more registration information (.pdf)


Friday 18 October

18.30 – 19.00 Registration & coffee

19.00 – 20.00 Speakers

  • Advances in Preterm Care – Dr John Murphy 
  • The Surgical Neonate – Dr Liam Claffey

20.30 Dinner

Saturday 19 October

08.30 – 09.00 Registration & coffee

09.00 – 13.15  Trainee poster presentation


  • The impact of social media on healthcare provision – Dr Yvonne Doyle
  • National Paediatric Networks – Mr Brice Antao
  • Do children THRIVE? HFNO and apnoeic oxygenation in children – Dr Michael Callaghan
  • Perioperative Fasting – let them drink! – Dr John O’Flynn  
  • IPATS (tbc) – Dr Cathy Gibbons

Trainee prize presentation

13.15  Lunch

For more information contact or