Delivery of Non COVID services in a COVID environment Wednesday 24th June
The College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland are delighted to announce a webinar titled “Delivery of Non COVID services in a COVID environment” on Wednesday June 24th from 18:00pm-19:30pm. A number of speakers will present education pieces relating to a return to non-Covid-19 work patterns and a restart of surgical services. This event will be free to register and is currently approved for 1.5 CPD points. We hope you will join us! Click for programme and registration details here Delivery of Non Covid Programme copy
3rd National Patient Safety in Anaesthesia Conference
The National Patient Safety in Anaesthesia Conference will take place in CAI, 22 Merrion Sq North on 15th of November 2019. Event: 3rd National Patient Safety in Anaesthesia Conference Date: 15th November 2019 Where: College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland, 22 Merion Square, Dublin 2 Programme: Please click here Fee: Non Trainee €200; Trainee €100; Nurse €25 CPD Points Approved: 5.5 Registration form: Click here Topics include: – Incident Reporting – Legislation & Regulation – Key Issues in Anaesthesia Safety Programme: 3rd National Patient Safety in Anaesthesia Conference Trainee Presentations: KP Moore Medal Competition 2019 – All presentations related to Patient Safety Call for abstracts and application form. For further details,
3rd National Patient Safety in Anaesthesia Conference
*****Date for your diary*** The National Patient Safety in Anaesthesia Conference will take place in CAI, 22 Merrion Sq North on 15th of November 2019. Key themes this year include: Supporting Patient Safety - Incident reporting in Anaesthesia , Legislation and regulation ( The Patient Safety Bill, HPRA and HIQA) and key issues in Anaesthesia such as Capnography and Checklists . The day will also include presentations from Trainees , KP Moore Medal award , a meeting of the SANI network and the Winter College Lecture by Prof Ravi Mahajan, President, RCoA. Further
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